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Creamy Cutie Smoothies (Two Versions!)

Good Morning, Sunshine!

This smoothie tastes just like sunshine! It is sure to brighten your morning or perk up your afternoon. 

I seem to keep buying cuties (those yummy, sweet, small tangerines) every time I go to the market. I just love the way a bowl of cuties brightens up my kitchen. I also love to snack on them and so does my family. Unfortunately, we don’t always get through them all before they start to go bad. So…what do you do when you have too many cuties? Make a cutie smoothie, of course!

These smoothies were sooooo good! They remind me of an Orange Julius, only way better (and healthier). I made 2 versions of this smoothie, and decided to post both so you could pick the one you think you would like best. The one pictured is my fave and it’s the vegan version that was made with coconut milk. It was creamy and delicious and perfect for anyone avoiding dairy.  I made the other version for my milk loving son and he loved it.  Which ever one you try…I hope your family loves it as much as we did!

Cutie Smoothie (Vegan Version)

Ingredients for one smoothie:

Optional: plant based vanilla protein powder

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. 

Cutie Smoothie (Dairy Version)

Ingredients for one smoothie:

Optional: vanilla Whey Protein Powder

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy.

**For a creamier, richer smoothie use whole milk and full fat greek yogurt. If you freeze your yogurt in ice cube trays ahead of time, your smoothie will be even thicker and more shake like. Another option is to peel and segment your tangerines and freeze them in advance for slushier smoothie. Adjust the honey to suit your taste. The plain greek yogurt is pretty tart so add more honey if you want a sweeter result. You can also use vanilla yogurt that is already sweetened and leave the honey out all together.

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